ESBR218 Passive Subwoofer 4800W | 139dB |29 Hz- 160 Hz ESBR2 1 8 is a high-power passive subwoofer system that incorporates two 18FW... read more →
ESBR218 Passive Subwoofer 2400W | 133dB |33 Hz- 160 Hz ESBR18 is a passive direct radiation subwoofer system composed of a single 18FW... read more →
ES-212 Passive Subwoofer 3200W | 132 dB |37 Hz- 300 Hz The ES-212 is a compact bass-reflex subwoofer system incorporating two... read more →
ES-218 Passive Subwoofer 8800W | 143dB |28 Hz- 125 Hz The ES-218 is a bass-reflex subwoofer system that makes use of... read more →
ES-221 Passive Subwoofer 2 x 8800W | 145dB |28 Hz- 125 Hz The ES-221 is a twin 21′′ subwoofer system designed... read more →